Consulting ,Marketing

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Tips For Marketing Your Consulting

Tips For Marketing Your Consulting

Running your own consulting business can be a rewarding experience, and marketing your services is essential. Establishing and maintaining long-term success requires generating new sales and building a broader client base.

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Reviews and testimonials

Expert engineer Ahmad Mazen Derdar possesses keen observation, quick intuition, adaptability to new situations, impartiality in judging others, and a high level of professionalism in, more..

Abdullh Ismail
Abdullh Ismail Damascus - Syria Head of Public Relations at University of Bilad Al Sham

“Kenneth is endowed with good Facilitation & Listening skills. As a coach, Kenneth’s passion, focus, client centricity & ability to connect with people helps him, more..

Navneet Trikha
Navneet Trikha Andhra Pradesh - India General Manager HR - Godfrey Phillips India LTD

Expert engineer Ahmad Mazen Derdar possesses keen insight, and perhaps his exposure to various languages has made him rich and abundant in knowledge. He is, more..

Ahmad Zakzok
Ahmad Zakzok Damascus - Syria Head of Information Technology at Afak Production Company

“As known: silence is stronger than words. When you work with Dr. Husain Al Shateri, you witness this truth through the significant results achieved with, more..

Mohammad Badra
Mohammad Badra Certified Consultant