The remarkable day came when he brushed off the dust off those top-secret documents, and as soon as he started perusing them, our friend's condition changed. He restlessly continued browsing through them all night long. Moreover, he asked for a sudden leave from work. Simply, he stumbled upon a hidden treasure trove, as the pages of these documents had a magical effect on him. They touched him from within, as if it had a great secret. Their content belonged to the memoirs of a young man from Central Asia, Mongolia, as he wrote an autobiography 1,200 years ago that tells the events he lived during that era.
Upon his return to work, our friend exhibited a peculiar transformation. He was no longer the person we knew before his absence; a profound change had taken hold of him during that brief interval. He radiated an unusual vitality and optimism. His face bore a distinct strangeness, but it was his eyes that caught our attention. They sparkled with enthusiasm, igniting our curiosity about the source of his remarkable transformation.
Seated with assurance, he exhaled deeply, conveying to us, "Through my perusal of those documents, I have gained profound insights into the codes and secrets of success in this life."
A wide grin illuminated his face as he proclaimed, "It is Kaido, the hero..."
A Mongolian youth who is driven by boundless energy and unwavering determination embarked on a quest to uncover his life's calling. Amidst his journey, he found no higher aspiration than to become an exceptional leader within the formidable ranks of Genghis Khan's mighty army. In pursuit of his objective, he recognized the significance of heeding valuable guidance, particularly from his father. His father's wisdom emphasized the need to collect sufficient and accurate data, enabling him to create a roadmap for pursuing his goal.
Taking his father's advice to heart, Kaido embarked on a quest to collect data and educate himself about the conditions and criteria for joining Genghis Khan's great army. During his journey, Kaido encountered a specific criterion set by Genghis Khan himself for those aspiring to become leaders in his army. This requirement demanded "the daunting task of hunting a wolf bare-handed."