Tips For Marketing Your Consulting


Running your own consulting business can be a rewarding experience, and marketing your services is essential. Establishing and maintaining long-term success requires generating new sales and building a broader client base.

There are ways to ensure business success to remain profitable even in critical times. Your goal should be to show your business as the solution to potential clients' problems, the knowledgeable expert for their business, and the person they turn to with their questions.

There are many ways to attract and retain clients. Keep in mind that you are marketing your services to people who may not be aware of their need for these services. Your marketing process should focus on your position as the expert in this field with an emphasis on the value that clients will gain from you.

These are some of the most important influencing factors that help you find your potential clients and increase their knowledge about your consulting business:

1. Managing Public Relations Network:

Communicating with the main people in the field you are trying to target is one of the most important factors that influences the marketing of your consulting business by spending your most important time communicating with influential people. You should take all opportunities available to you to participate in the networking including (events of organizations in the field you intend to target - breakfast meetings - Chamber of Commerce activities - professional groups and social clubs). Attend events held by professional groups distinguished in your market and with whom you are likely to meet some of the people you expect to work with, and make an alliance with influencers.

The issue is simply that the greater your network of contacts and acquaintances, the greater the opportunity to get clients. You have to start with the people you know “your colleagues and former managers, your friends, and people who are already in the scope of the work you intend to target” and the more you are present in those activities and meetings, the greater the chance that your name will be at the forefront of the potential list of clients needs when they are looking for someone with your expertise.

2. Innovative Use of the Internet:

An 8 to 10 page website explaining the basics of your consulting business (company description, value proposition, client recommendations, testimonials and experiences of you and your team and how to communicate) should be enough to get you off the ground, update the website for existing and prospective clients, and enlist the help of professionals to ensure that your website is fulfilling the intended purpose and that the content and branding are relevant. Promote your articles, debates, services, survey results, exciting ideas online and publish them via newsletters. Create a list of your contacts and regularly send newsletters or SMS messages. Linking all these promotions to your site will make the number of visitors large and thus increase the possibilities for new business.

3. Thought Leadership:

To stand out from the crowd, you have to become a thought leader in the field in which you excel. Publishing what you write can go a long way in spreading an excellent reputation in your field. Contact editors in paper and electronic publishing and write to them your ideas to publish it, publish articles regularly or even start a column to write in, make a study from time to time on the troublesome issues in your target field and publish the results publicly, develop exciting ideas and publish them regularly, and you will emerge as a thought leader in the field, you can go a step further by creating your own news magazine.

If you don't have the time or feel uncomfortable with self-publishing, hire a local freelance writer and graphic designer to do the work for you, the key is simplicity, a good newsletter will be sold based on the premium content rather than a cliched design. 

4. Public Speaking:

Public speaking is another excellent way to attract new clients and gain an excellent reputation in your field. As a consultant, you present yourself as an expert and as an expert you have to talk about your experience. If public speaking makes you nervous, you can start small as public libraries often organize events to benefit from speakers, volunteer and share your knowledge in a range of forums, you may want to reach out to organizations and clubs in your area to offer your expertise. Look for organizations that host talks or conferences and have issued invitations for speakers where attendees can benefit from your expertise. If you're really making a great resume, you can even hire an agent to contract talks.

5. Recommendation Request:

When you complete your projects with clients and they are completely satisfied with your performance, be sure to ask them for letters of recommendation, ask them to let you mention their names when they write to companies as referrals. A helpful word from a business owner has a stronger impact than any advertisement in the world.

6. Unorganized Calls Over The Phone:

The idea of unorganized communications can be intimidating but sales are an integral part of business operations.

The solution is to carefully look for the effective people for the organizations and get appointments with them, prepare yourself by practicing and improving your interview finishing techniques, prepare a conversation in advance and make your speech clear.

Read books, attend seminars for training and qualification or get a coach to help you improve your communication technique.

We all know that unorganized communications can take a long time, so limit your communications to several days per month, resist the dread and look forward to those days, make sure you do your best in this business. This way, you will not only learn to make these connections, but you will also find yourself enjoying them.

7. Ads:

Direct mail, magazines and press ads, these things can only be useful if they are aimed directly at people who will benefit from your services. Usually, brochures with your organization's name and logo are the first step to getting your audience to know you, but you should keep this simple, do not give them everything they want directly, you want to thrill them before you spend any money, start searching through professional newspapers related to your field of work.

Take some time and examine the ads posted by other consultants and carefully determine the impact of these ads, then choose the model that suits you best. The attraction of direct messages can be obtained with postcards, sales mail or newsletters.

Whatever the length of the sales model, the solution is to follow the AIDA writing model, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action on the part of the reader, you must discover the needs of your audience.

The key to standing out from the crowd is how to position yourself in the professional market you aspire to, try out some promotional activities and you'll be well on your way to keeping your consulting business successful.

Reviews and testimonials

“I was fortunate to participate in the leadership preparation sessions and feel grateful for the experience. I would rate him perfectly.” Amina Al-Banna - Director, more..

Dr. Mohammed was the guiding mentor who takes his clients' hands and leads them along the right path. He was like a caring father who, more..

Ahmad Samilo
Ahmad Samilo London - United Kingdom Executive Director at Sermo

It was a fascinating and lovely session with Coach Zainab Al Mutawa, whose speech was clear, balanced, and coherent, which raised my self-confidence and helped, more..

Abrar Abughosh
Abrar Abughosh Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates Majoring in Arabic Language and Literature

The coaching process provided by Coach Majed was an indescribably unique and beneficial experience. I must emphasize his wisdom, which he demonstrated throughout the process,, more..

Zainab  Al Mutawa
Zainab Al Mutawa Certified Coach