

This report displays your thinking map for you, measures the quality of the beliefs you adopt to embrace excellence, reveals the beliefs that bind you, decodes the feelings resulting from your thoughts, informs you how your thoughts lead feelings and behavior, and provides you with unique instructions to achieve lasting excellence, liberate your energies, and unleash your maximum potential.

TTD report features:

How do you measure ROI (return on investment)?

You can take the TTCD assessment: Thinking Codes Comparison Development Report (TA®):

This report is intended for everyone who wants to know how much progress they have made. It is recommended when a former TTD assessment applicant wishes to take the assessment once again after a period of time to measure their level once again. They will receive a report containing all their previous results compared to their new ones.

Reviews and testimonials

Mentoring sessions with Dr. Mohammed Pedra came at the perfect time, saving me time and effort in achieving goals that I couldn't attain without the, more..

Sumaya Al Shimmari
Sumaya Al Shimmari Certified Coach

I particularly enjoyed attending the coaching sessions with Coach Zainab Al Mutawa. I gained a lot of positive personality development, experienced the full range of, more..

AbdAlrahman Mustafa
AbdAlrahman Mustafa Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates IT Student

Expert engineer Ahmad Mazen Derdar possesses keen observation, quick intuition, adaptability to new situations, impartiality in judging others, and a high level of professionalism in, more..

Abdullh Ismail
Abdullh Ismail Damascus - Syria Head of Public Relations at University of Bilad Al Sham

The coaching process provided by Coach Majed was an indescribably unique and beneficial experience. I must emphasize his wisdom, which he demonstrated throughout the process,, more..

Zainab  Al Mutawa
Zainab Al Mutawa Certified Coach