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The Traits of Emotional Intelligence

The Traits of Emotional Intelligence

In his well-known book Working with Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman says that emotional intelligence makes up 67% of the abilities needed to succeed as a leader and that it is twice as important as technical proficiency or IQ. Many studies have supported this research later on.

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Enhance Your Strengths Emotional Intelligence

Enhance Your Strengths Emotional Intelligence

You have little time to balance between your work priorities and your personal life, which compete with one another, but the question is: where should you focus your efforts to achieve the greatest progress in the limited time you have?

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Reviews and testimonials

“Thanks to the Almighty and my first NLP trainer in 2014, wonderful Coach Adil Abadi, I moved from building structures to building human potential. Workshops, more..

Dr. Mohammed was the guiding mentor who takes his clients' hands and leads them along the right path. He was like a caring father who, more..

Ahmad Samilo
Ahmad Samilo London - United Kingdom Executive Director at Sermo

“My coaching session with Coach Basema was enlightening; it helped clarify my thoughts and guide my decision-making. I encourage others to attend her sessions, as, more..

Ahmad Samilo
Ahmad Samilo London - United Kingdom Executive Director at Sermo

I describe him as strong and honest because of his credibility, logical argument, strong presentation, solid foundation, effective radical treatment, and rebuilding and restoring the, more..

Ala AlDin Farfour
Ala AlDin Farfour Damascus - Syria Secretary-General of Al-Fath Islamic Society