This report is an integrated mixture of the five reports addressed to leaders, but in one report that sets the record straight. It goes back to the roots of the internal structure that built the leader and brought them to this position. It takes a deep analytical look at their skills, ideas, beliefs, excellence strategies, exceptional senses, and motives that lead their behaviors. It connects this information together to analyze the extent of their impact on them and on others. It addresses their leadership imprint in terms of strengths and weaknesses. It provides leaders with effective guidelines to develop a unique leadership sense and distinguished imprint and provides them with methods that enhance their brilliance and inspiration. Leaders will leave it equipped with an integrated set of tools that rightfully empower them and contribute to transforming their subordinates into leaders.
TSL report features:
- The total sum of the supreme codes
- The leader's supreme codes imprint
- All features of the Excellence Skills Codes Leader Report (TA®) - TESL
- All features of the Thinking Codes Leader Report (TA®) - TTL
- All features of the Excellence Strategies Codes Leader Report (TA®) - TESTL
- All features of the Sensory Channels Codes Leader Report (TA®) - TSCL
- All the features of the Thinking Motives Codes Leader Report (TA®) - TTML
- Recommendations
- Work plan
How do you measure ROI (return on investment)?
You can take the TSCL assessment: Supreme Codes Comparison Leader Report (with self) (TA®):
This report is considered pivotal in the life of a leader who is looking for continuous development and wants to gain the honor of leadership deservedly. It is recommended when a former TSL assessment applicant wishes to take the assessment once again after a period of time to measure the new development and change that they made. They will receive a report containing all their previous results compared to their new ones.