This report measures the quality of the perception and learning outlets of team members, how they receive their information from leaders and among themselves, and how they communicate through them. It calibrates their internal state resulting from how they perceive information. It decodes the signals they send or receive through physical, visual, and verbal communication. It identifies specific gaps in team harmony by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their senses and raising awareness of their limitations. It provides the team with tools to invest and employ the senses in achieving optimal communication. It provides them with techniques to raise the efficiency of their visual, auditory, and sensory memory in a manner more efficient than wolf memory.
TSCT report features:
- The total sum of the sensory channels in the team
- The team's sensory channels imprint
- Ranking team members in the total sum of sensory channels
- The team's situation in the four sensory channels
- The team members' situation when receiving new data (learning)
- Traits that the team members exhibit when communicating
- Traits from which others can infer the sensory channels of team members
- The body language that team members use to express themselves when communicating
- The most prominent words and phrases that the team members use or that affect them
- The most prominent strengths of each sensory channel
- Practical steps to develop or invest in each sensory channel
- Recommendations
- Work plan
- Each team member is given a Sensory Channels Codes Leader Report (TA®) - TSCL, and is identified by their individual grade in comparison to the other team members' scores in all report points
How do you measure ROI (return on investment)?
You can take the TSCCT assessment: Sensory Channels Codes Comparison Team Report (with itself) (TA®):
This report is recommended when a team that has previously applied for the TSCT assessment wishes to take the assessment once again after a period of time to measure the progress made by its members after completing the assessment the first time. They will receive a report comparing their new results to the previous ones.
Looking for Advanced Comparisons?
You can take the TSCTT assessment: Sensory Channels Codes Comparison Team Report (with another team) (TA®):
It is done to compare the work team with other work teams in the same organization. This report provides a very accurate statistical analysis that compares the team members with another team or more than one team (from within the organization). It is recommended when there is a discrepancy between the performance of work teams and their achievements. Management can use these reliable comparisons for future development plans.