This report explains the reasons for the success of the organization's communication with its members and the reasons for its stumbling as well. It measures the outlets of perception of the organization's members and their attention to what is going on around them, how they receive information, what things they prefer most and that interest them, and what things they ignore. It decodes their strongest and weakest senses, which reflect on their performance, communication, and effectiveness. It provides the organization with wonderful solutions for gaining everyone’s attention to what is going on around them and getting them to interact with events and situations as essential partners in success and failure. It provides the organization’s leaders with effective methods for directing decisions and instructions that are accepted and resonate with everyone with minimal effort.
TSCO report features:
- The total sum of the sensory channels in the organization.
- Ranking work teams based on the sum of their sensory channels, from strongest to weakest.
- The organization's sensory channels imprint.
- The organization's status in the four sensory channels.
- The situation of the organization's members when receiving new data (learning).
- Traits that the organization members exhibit when communicating.
- Traits from which others can infer the sensory channels of organization members.
- The body language that organization members use to express themselves when communicating.
- The most prominent words and phrases that the organization members use or that affect them.
- The most prominent strengths of each sensory channel.
- Practical steps to develop or invest in each sensory channel.
- The names of the ten most powerful individuals in the sum of sensory channels.
- The names of the ten least powerful individuals in the sum of sensory channels.
- Recommendations
- Work plan
- Each team is given a Sensory Channels Codes Team Report (TA®) - TSCT, and is identified by the team grade in comparison to other organization teams' grades.
- Each organization member is given a Sensory Channels Codes Leader Report (TA®) - TSCL, and is identified by their individual grade in comparison to the other members' scores on their team.
How do you measure ROI (return on investment)?
You can take the TSCCO assessment: Sensory Channels Codes Comparison Organization Report (with self) (TA®):
It is done to measure the new change resulting from the previous report consultations. When the organization wishes to take the assessment once again after a period of time to measure its progress over time and the shift resulting from the development, it will receive a report that provides a qualitative statistical analysis that accurately compares the organization's status at two different times. It also shows the progress of work teams and individuals over time, which are reflected in the new performance results.
Looking for Advanced Comparisons?
You can take the TSCOO assessment: Sensory Channels Codes Comparison Organization Report (with another Organization) (TA®):
This report provides a reliable statistical analysis for comparing the organization's members and its work teams with those of another organization. It is recommended when the organization wishes to keep pace with another, more distinguished organization or wishes to understand differences with another organization for various administrative purposes. This report presents all the differences with the necessary tips to keep up with the best practices that meet the goals of decision makers.