This report measures the acuity of your senses, the quality of information resulting from them during learning, and communication at the level of your words, gestures, and eye movements. It shows you how your map always dictates to you a specific type of information through which you learn and communicate, and it shows you the impact of missing other information, which you desperately need without realizing it. It also provides methods and tools through which you can enhance your memory's efficiency when collecting information and communicating. You will develop acute sight, hearing, and other senses, akin to a wolf with tireless sensory abilities.
TSCD report features:
- The total sum of the sensory channels
- The wolves' sensory channels imprint
- The individual's situation when receiving new data (learning)
- Traits exhibited by an individual while communicating
- Traits that make them recognizable to others
- The body language they use to express themselves when communicating
- The most prominent words and phrases that they use or that affect them
- The most prominent strengths of each sensory channel
- Recommendations
- Work plan
How do you measure ROI (return on investment)?
You can take the TSCCD assessment: Sensory Channel Codes Comparison Development Report (TA®):
This report is recommended when a former TSCD assessment applicant wishes to take the assessment once again after a period of time to measure their progress after completing the assessment the first time. They will receive a report containing all their previous results compared to their new ones.