This report provides an accurate picture of the strategies for excellence and distinction, as it measures the quality of your goals and plans and your willingness to take the initiative to work on them. It examines your faith in your abilities to achieve them, tests your flexibility in dealing with challenges that might surprise you, and offers you magic instructions to turn dreams into reality faster than you ever imagined.
TESTD report features:
- The total sum of the excellence strategies
- Excellence strategies imprint
- The five excellence strategies
- The individual's situation in each strategy and its impact on them
- Practical steps to develop or invest in each strategy
- Recommendations
- Work plan
How do you measure ROI (return on investment)?
You can take the TESTCD assessment: Excellence Strategies Codes Comparison Development Report (TA®):
This report is intended for everyone who wants to know how close they are to embracing their dreams and to measure their progress. It is useful when a former TESTD assessment applicant wishes to take the assessment once again after a period of time to measure their mastery and application of strategies that make their dreams a reality. They will receive a report containing all their previous results compared to their new ones.