This report measures the distinguishing leader's skills and connects them with the important results achieved by their subordinates, including managers, work teams, and individuals. It highlights the seven excellence factors that direct the leader's performance towards achieving goals and accomplishments (positive thinking, life quality, keeping up with the change, problem-solving, quality of relationships, effectiveness, and future anticipation). It provides practical and systematic solutions that make inspiration shine in the leader’s mind and reflect on their subordinates. It is extremely important for the leader's development, whether through coaching, training, or when providing results-focused consultation.
TESL report features:
- The leader's seven excellence factors
- The total sum of the excellence skills
- The three domains of excellence (Think, Control, Communicate)
- The supreme leader's skills imprint
- The 12 sub-skills of excellence
- The leader's situation in each skill and its impact on them
- Practical steps to develop or invest in each skill
- Recommendations
- Work plan
How do you measure ROI (return on investment)?
You can take the TESCL assessment: Excellence Skills Codes Comparison Leader Report with Self (TA®):
It is done to measure the change that leaders look for. It is recommended when a former TESL assessment applicant wishes to take the assessment once again after a period of time to measure their skills level once again. They will receive a report containing all their previous results compared to their new ones.