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نموذج تدريب المدربين

نموذج تدريب المدربين

يُستخدَم نموذج تدريب المدربين لتدريب المدربين أو الخبراء المتخصصين حتى يتمكنوا بعد ذلك من تعليم الآخرين بصورة فعَّالة.

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Reviews and testimonials

Expert Sumaya Al Shimmari took me step by step to research my thoughts and beliefs, which results in my ability to see the true meaning, more..

Sumayyah Alahmed
Sumayyah Alahmed Al Ain - United Arab Emirates Certified Coach

Each of us has flaws and obstacles that we can't see clearly or pay attention to, and they are always an obstacle to moving forward, more..

Halima Seif
Halima Seif Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates Housewife

Mr. Hussain AlSayed is undoubtedly an inspiring figure; our sessions motivated me to achieve more personally and professionally. Each session ignited a strong desire to, more..

Halima Seif
Halima Seif Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates Housewife

My sincere gratitude and admiration go out to the expert Sumaya Al Shimmari, who guided me in reorganizing my personal and professional life and in, more..

Aysha Alhadhrami
Aysha Alhadhrami Former Director of Department in the Governmental Sector