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نموذج تدريب المدربين

نموذج تدريب المدربين

يُستخدَم نموذج تدريب المدربين لتدريب المدربين أو الخبراء المتخصصين حتى يتمكنوا بعد ذلك من تعليم الآخرين بصورة فعَّالة.

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Reviews and testimonials

“To the distinguished coach Jawaher, I would like to thank you very much for listening to me. Your kind words and encouragement had a good, more..

I appreciate that expert Aysha Alhadhrami allotted enough time for fruitful communication and discussion.

Fatima Khalfan
Fatima Khalfan Director of Asset Management Division

“The sessions were a beautiful and enriching experience, allowing me to focus on points that greatly helped me in personal development and enhanced my decision-making, more..

Fatima Khalfan
Fatima Khalfan Director of Asset Management Division

Words might fall short of expressing the value of our sessions with you. Expert Sumaya Al Shimmari undoubtedly exceeded my expectations. While I only anticipated, more..

Nawwar Essa
Nawwar Essa Translator at Annajahnet